Morning all. I need some help. A friend and collegue of Chris's has just lost her dad on saturday. It wasn't unexpected as he was ill for a long time. But Chris would like me to make her a Sympathy card. Now, i have NEVER made a sympathy card and i hvae no idea what to do. It doesnt neseccarily have to have 'with sympathy' written on it, it could have 'thinking of you' etc, but i dont know what to do on the front. She is a christian so a cross or bible would be ok. The other problem is that i dont want to have to buy anything for it, i'm not being tight, i just dont have any money (fireplaces and carpets are more expensive than i thought ) so i want to use the stash i have. Any ideas? or has anyone got a card that they have made that i can look at for ideas?